S handong
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TPJC Shandong Immersion Programme 2010
28.11.2010 - 5.12.2010
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Thursday, November 18, 2010 @ 6:22 AM
Little background info on ShanDong :)

 Shandong(山东省) means 'east of the mountains', referring to the Taihang (太行山) which run 400km down the eastern edge of the Loess plateau through Hebei(河北省), Shanxi(山西省) and Henan(河南省) . 山东 borders the Bohai Sea (渤海) to the north, Hebei to the northwest,  Henan to the west, Jiangsu (江苏省) to the south and the yellow sea (黄海) to the southeast. The province extends out into the sea in the form of the Shandong Peninsula (山东半岛). The yellow river(黄河) passes through 山东Shandong's western areas, entering the sea on the northern coast; interestingly in its traversal of Shandong it flows on a levee, making it higher than the surrounding land.

Shandong is China's 3rd most populous province with 92 million people (it would be the world's 13th most populous country), and the second richest, behind Guangdong(广东省) . With Jinan serving as the province's economic and cultural centre, the province's economic prowess has led to the development of modern coastal cities.
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